This once in a lifetime event you have been dreaming of and preparing for all your life. Full of excitement and emotions like a movie, with both of you as the stars, and your family and friends your supporting cast. One difference: this is not acting, it is REAL.


That’s where we come in the picture. Our team of professional wedding videographers use Full HD camcorders, Hollywood effects and transitions, for a unique wedding day experience. Something you will proudly call: “Our Wedding Movie”.


Whether you live in Chicago, Miami, Dallas, or New York, our passionate dedication to providing you with the highest quality, personalized wedding video experience, but yet at an affordable price means you will have a finished product that exceeds all expectations without breaking your bank. We promise to deliver value and excellence to make your wedding day the most memorable moment of your life.


Our Wedding Movie offers affordable wedding videography packages starting at $895. Our wedding videography packages are highly customizable and we offer a wide range of add-ons. We believe that hiring a local wedding videographer near you shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. Our passionate dedication to providing you with the highest quality, personalized wedding video experience, but yet at an affordable price means you will have a finished product that exceeds all expectations without breaking your bank. We will capture AND edit your event for as low as $895.


So what are you waiting for? Select one of our affordable wedding video packages and book your affordable wedding videographer today.

Packages from $895
Editing included in that price
No catch. No hidden fees. We will capture AND edit your event for as low as $895